Quarantine Diaries – a project. (intro) //  mini vlogs with a purpose 

I have a big passion for video making. Recording, editing, the entire creative process of making a video is very therapeutic for me. There’s something beautiful about creating everlasting pieces of your existence. There’s magic in returning to those clips, remembering the feeling, the mindsets, the people. Sometimes we cringe at the sight of who we used to be or how we used to look, sometimes we cry because we wish we could turn a video into a time machine and travel back in time, back to moments when we felt genuine happiness and sometimes, we see how much we have transformed so much so we can almost palpate how much we’ve grown.

You see? A simple video can hold so much power, I find that magical.

During this chaotic time in our history, I decided to record clips of my days in vlog form and combine my ceaseless enthusiasm for making videos with another passion of mine; uplifting & motivating others. I strive to share a little wisdom, a little motivation, a little kindness or maybe even a little reminder of what who ever stumbles upon my videos, is capable of. Every video in this Quarantine Diaries series holds pieces of my days attached with messages that hopefully gives a little magic to who ever needs it.


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